Detailed IPO Eligibility Assessment

  • 1. Is your organisation a Private / Public Limited Company?
  • 1 A. Is your ogranisation a registered Proprietorship/Partnership/LLP that is in the process of conversion to a company?
  • 2. Is your business profitable for last 2 out of 3 financial years?
  • 3. Was the networth of the business positive as at the end of last financial year?
  • 3 A. If networth is positive - is it more than 1 crore for preceding 2 financial years?
  • 4. Are the Net tangible assets of the business more than 3 crores (Networth less intangible assets i.e deferred tax asset, software, goodwill etc)
  • 5. Is your business in existence for more than 3 years?
  • 5 A. For businesses which are less than 3 years in existence, is your project for IPO funded by Banks / Financial Institutions / Government Institutions?
  • 6. Is the Debt equity ratio of the Company less than 3?
  • 7. Are there any material regulatory/discliplinary action by a stock exchange or regulatory authority in the past 3 years?
  • 8. Has the company been referred to the BIFR (Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction) or No proceedings have been admitted under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code against the company or the promoters?
  • 9. Has the Name of the company changed in the last one year precceding to the application for IPO?
  • 9 A. For the companies whose name has been changed within the last 1 year, at least 50% of the revenue calculated on a restated and consolidated basis for the previous year has been earned from the activities carried out in the new name?
  • 10. Has the Company's application been returned by the exchange in the last 6 complete months?

As per the exchange regulations, You are eligible for listing.

We can help you with the next steps of listing. Contact Us Now!

Since one or more conditions are not met, You are not eligible yet.

We can help you become IPO ready. Contact Us Now!