Trident Lifeline is engaged in the pharmaceutical business ethical marketing in domestic as well as inernational market. They are also engaged in distribution of pharmaceutical products through third party distribution network. They offer wide range of pharmaceutical formulations and products manufactured on contract manufacturing under loan lisence. They operate in India as well as African, Latin American and East Indian Countries. They have their presence through registered products or products under registration in countries like Bolivia, Cambodia, Cameroon, Chile, Ghana, Kenya, Myanamar, Nigeria, Peru, Sudan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Venuzela. They deal in Capsules, Tablets, Liquid Ointment, Gel, Ice Gel, Mouthwash, Paste, Solution, Suspension, Drypowders and Toothpaste. Their product portfolio comprises of vide range of drugs like Anti Bacterial, Anti Diarrheal, Anti Fungal, Anti Malerial, Anti Diabetic,
Trident Lifeline is engaged in the pharmaceutical business ethical marketing in domestic as well as inernational market. They are also engaged in distribution of pharmaceutical products through third party distribution network. They offer wide range of pharmaceutical formulations and products manufactured on contract manufacturing under loan lisence. They operate in India as well as African, Latin American and East Indian Countries. They have their presence through registered products or products under registration in countries like Bolivia, Cambodia, Cameroon, Chile, Ghana, Kenya, Myanamar, Nigeria, Peru, Sudan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Venuzela. They deal in Capsules, Tablets, Liquid Ointment, Gel, Ice Gel, Mouthwash, Paste, Solution, Suspension, Drypowders and Toothpaste. Their product portfolio comprises of vide range of drugs like Anti Bacterial, Anti Diarrheal, Anti Fungal, Anti Malerial, Anti Diabetic, Dental Cure, Proton Pump Inhibitor, Anti Protozol, Anti Histamine, Anti Hypertensive drugs, Anti Lipidemic Drug, Anti Parasitic, Multivitamin, Multimineral Nyteraceutical and Non-steriodal anti-inflamatory drug (NSAIDS). Their product portfolio consists of 832 products, as on May 31, 2022. They operate under different brand names across the globe. As on May 31, 2022, They have 267 products registered in total 8 countries. As on May 31, 2022, total 565 products are under process of registration in 11 countries, which shall boost the growth of Their company
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