Saakshi Medtech and Panels is a diversified company engaged in manufacturing of: i) Electrical Control Panels and Cabinets used in elevators, air
compressors, renewal energy industry, oil & gas exploration industry, electrical vehicle charging stations etc, ii) Medical X Ray
System used in healthcare industry iii) Fabrication works for locomotives and (iv) wire harness division for their captive
consumption in electrical control panels and for supply to air compressor industry. Their in-house engineering and design
capabilities help them offer diversified products and solutions to their customers in each of the product categories in which they
operate. Their comprehensive solutions include design, process engineering and manufacturing including fabrication, assembly
and testing facilities. The hardware components are imported or sourced from local suppliers which are then programmed and
assembled at their manufacturing facilities.
They design,
Saakshi Medtech and Panels is a diversified company engaged in manufacturing of: i) Electrical Control Panels and Cabinets used in elevators, air
compressors, renewal energy industry, oil & gas exploration industry, electrical vehicle charging stations etc, ii) Medical X Ray
System used in healthcare industry iii) Fabrication works for locomotives and (iv) wire harness division for their captive
consumption in electrical control panels and for supply to air compressor industry. Their in-house engineering and design
capabilities help them offer diversified products and solutions to their customers in each of the product categories in which they
operate. Their comprehensive solutions include design, process engineering and manufacturing including fabrication, assembly
and testing facilities. The hardware components are imported or sourced from local suppliers which are then programmed and
assembled at their manufacturing facilities.
They design, program and assemble Electrical Control Panels and Cabinets comprising of micro controller, programmable logic
controllers and SCADA system. These Electrical control panels are essential for industrial automation. They provide higherlevel
monitoring and control various functions of machines to define, organize, and meet production objectives. The end users
for their products in this category include OEMs producing elevators, wind turbines, air compressors, oil & gas exploration
equipment, electrical vehicle charging stations or diesel generators. These panels direct input and output of equipment in which
they are installed like: monitoring directional movement of wind turbines, bi-lateral movement of elevators, set automatic load
and unload of pressure in air compressors used in CNG petrol pumps, metal industry, forging industry, chemical industry,
aviation industry and allied industries, vibration and temperature monitoring in oil and gas exploration equipment, for charging
of EV batteries and alarming of DG sets.
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