Abha Power and Steel Limited , strategically located in mineral reach, densely industrialized and one of the steel hubs of central India i.e. state of Chhattisgarh, is engaged in the business of iron and steel foundry, more particularly in the business of casting and manufacturing customised products in mostly all grades of iron and steel. heir versatile product portfolio covers all grades of mild steel, spheroidal graphite cast iron, manganese steel, stainless steel, low alloy and high alloy castings (high CR & high Ni), HRCS & WRCS, from as small as 0.5 Kgs to 6 Tonnes single finished casting. They are a RDSO certified vendor for supply of certain casting products to Indian Railways and an approved vendor for supply of certain casting products to
Abha Power and Steel Limited , strategically located in mineral reach, densely industrialized and one of the steel hubs of central India i.e. state of Chhattisgarh, is engaged in the business of iron and steel foundry, more particularly in the business of casting and manufacturing customised products in mostly all grades of iron and steel. heir versatile product portfolio covers all grades of mild steel, spheroidal graphite cast iron, manganese steel, stainless steel, low alloy and high alloy castings (high CR & high Ni), HRCS & WRCS, from as small as 0.5 Kgs to 6 Tonnes single finished casting. They are a RDSO certified vendor for supply of certain casting products to Indian Railways and an approved vendor for supply of certain casting products to National Mineral Development Corporation and Integral Coach Factory, Chennai. They are also holding a PED Certificate from TUV-Nord which certifies the quality management system for manufacturing of castings and makes them eligible for supply of pressure equipment to European nations their manufacturing facility also include captive solar power plant with an aggregate installed capacity of 2.99 MW, as of March 31, 2024, which enable them to reduce their operating costs. Going forward, they intend to reduce their dependence on the supply of electricity by Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution Company Limited and therefore shall strive to increase their captive solar power plants aggregate installed capacity in the near future. For the year ended March 31, 2024, power units produced from the captive solar power plants accounted for approx. 35%, of the total power units consumed. They believe that the intended expansion plans of their captive solar power plant will help them to meet their requirement of power and enable them to become more self-sufficient. their basic raw material includes pig iron, scrap MS, exo sleeves, mould paints, ferro alloys, etc. and they procure their raw materials based on market availability, pricing and quality through domestic suppliers. The cost of materials consumed (including purchase of stock in trade and changes in inventory) by them in their operations accounted for 59.86%, 70.80% and 69.54% of Their revenue from operations for Fiscal 2024, Fiscal 2023 and Fiscal 2022, respectively.
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