First Overseas Capital Limited     ★★★★☆

First Overseas Capital is a SEBI registered CAT I Merchant Banker located in Mumbai. They provide services in various areas of capital markets which include Merchant Banking Services, Valuation, Private Equity , Corporate Advisory and other financial solutions.

Incorporation Year 1998

City Mumbai

SME IPOs listing on Exchange

NSE Emerge 20  (39%)

BSE SME31  (61%)


SME IPOs by Listing



Latest SME IPOs

SME IPOs by Subscription

Subscribed upto 5 times 38 (75%)

Subscribed 5 to 25 times 7 (14%)

Subscribed 25 to 50 times3 (6%)

Subscribed 50 to 100 times 0 (0%)

Subscribed more than 100 times1 (2%)


SME IPOs by IPO Size

Very Small (< 5 Cr) 15 (29%)

Small (5-10 Cr) 15 (29%)

Medium (10-25 Cr)10 (20%)

Large (25-50 Cr)5 (10%)

Very Large (>50 Cr)6 (12%)


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  • Leading portal for IPOs
  • End to End Solutions
  • Known for Transparency


Low (1-10) 1 (2%)

Average (10-20) 12 (24%)

Moderately High (20-30)9 (18%)

Very High (30-50) 8 (16%)

Extreme (50+)19 (37%)



SME IPOs by City

Ahmedabad 11

Amritsar 1

Bhopal 1

Chandigarh 1

Howrah 1

Hyderabad 1

Indore 1

Kolkata 1

Maharashtra 1

Mumbai 17

Nashik 1

Navsari 1

New Delhi 5

Palagar 1

Palghar 1

Pune 1

Secunderabad 1

Surat 2

Virajpet 1

Visakhapatnam 1


SME IPOs by Sector

Advertising and Media 2

Advertising and Media - Events 1

Agro 1

Agro - Food Products 1

Aluminium 1

Banking and Finance 2

Chemical 2

Chemical - Pesticides 1

Corporate Solutions 1

E-Commerce 1

Electric Equipments 2

Engineering 2

Film and Animation - VFX 1


Healthcare 2

Healthcare - Ayurvedic 1

Healthcare - Hospitals and Clinic 2

Healthcare - Personal Care 1

Information Technology 1

Information Technology - Data Solutions 1

Information Technology - SaaS 1

Infrastructure 1

Jewellery 11

Logistics 1

Metal 1

Packaging & Disposables 1

Pharmaceutical - Ayurvedic 1

Real Estate 2

Real Estate - Infrastructure 1

Real Estate - Residential and Commercial 2

Telecom 1

Textiles 1


SME IPOs by Post Listing Performance

Offer Price Vs Current Market Price


Listing Price Vs Current Market Price


SME IPOs migrated to Mainboard 15